Viriksha HR Solution

Professional Tax

"Trust. Tax. Triumph."

Professional Tax In Viriksha HR Solution

Profession tax is a special kind of tax that the State Government asks people to pay if they have jobs. This includes people who work for the government or private companies, as well as those who have their own businesses, like doctors, lawyers, engineers, and artists.

How Professional Tax Work ?


The amount of profession tax you pay depends on how much money you earn, and each state has its own rules about this. If you pay profession tax during the year, you can subtract that amount when figuring out your income tax. For people who have jobs, their bosses take out the profession tax from their paychecks and send it to the State Government.

People need to pay their taxes to the government or to special groups that help collect them. The money has to be paid on time, just like the state government says. If someone forgets or is late, they might have to pay extra money as a fine.The state government levies a direct tax known as the professional tax. Consequently, the mode of payment may vary from one state to the next.


Exemptions in Professional Tax

People In Specific Roles Or Profession


People In Specific Challenges Or Circumstances

A person who has a mental or physical challenge, like being unable to
see or hear.

A parent whose child
has a challenge.

Anyone who is older than 65 years.

There are charity hospitals in areas that are smaller than a taluk.


Viriksha HR Solutions

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