Viriksha HR Solution

Shops & Commercial
Establishment Act

"Fair Workplaces, Strong Businesses"

Shops & Commercial Establishment Act for a Secure Future

This is a law that brings together and updates the rules about how people work in stores and businesses. The law helps to make sure that workers get paid fairly, know how many hours they should work, can take time off, enjoy holidays, and understand their job conditions.

Shops & Commercial Establishment Act

Shops and Establishments

All shops and commercial establishments covered under the Shops and Establishment Act must register with the relevant state authority and obtain a Shop and Establishment Registration Certificate, commonly referred to as a Shop License. This requirement extends to businesses operating from home, e-commerce entities, and online businesses. Registration is mandatory within 30 days of commencing business operations.

Scope of the Shops Act



Viriksha HR Solutions

Viriksha HR Solution, a top company that helps with this act, makes sure everything follows the rules.