Viriksha’s exclusive employee & employers portal for recruitment.For Employers, We assure the best analytics and interface. For Employees, We present numerous options for your qualification and requirement.
Browse through hundreds of job oppurtunities and get hired in the best possible profile match.
Access all the employee data remotely and store resume information with a secured login
All our process are well-defined and data based. Refined through huge volume of profiles.
Access and asses our exclusive career portal. Finding and Interacting have never been easier
Any query? Contact our team of experts. Our friendly team will support you at any point in your hunt
Processing and storage of huge volumes of data is effortless and secured with advanced protocols
CEO & Founder
Senior Manager
Junior Marketing
Managing Director
In order to find a potential candidate that will be perfect for your company, we take into account all aspects of what you need and want from them. We have extensive experience working with clients in both private industries as well government agencies so rest assured knowing these skills are something which falls within our wheelhouse! Our search strategies allow us not only to identify positions but also develop clear profiles on each one allowing more efficient sourcing efforts down the line – saving time while getting better results than ever before
We’ll start by doing some preliminary research for you. We will contact, meet and assess potential candidates through telephonic interviews before preparing a confidential candidate assessment report which is presented to our client so they can review it when ready.
If there’s enough reason why an individual should be on the list then we assist with coordinating any further necessary interviews as well taking regular feedback from them throughout this process all while following their instructions carefully!
When a position needs to be filled, we consult with our clients and provide them with the expertise they can’t get anywhere else. We work closely alongside you throughout the entire hiring process – from initial interviews all the way through post-hire follow-up services so that your new executive will have everything he or she needs for success in just about any workplace environment out there today!
We are passionate about finding the best candidates for your organization. We have a lot of experience with finding people for kinds of jobs in many different places in India. We can help you with both hiring a lot of people at once or finding people for specific jobs in specific industries.
We are one of the top recruitment process outsourcing agencies in India. We can provide you with the best manpower recruitment service available.
If you need help with your company’s HR needs, please call us. We would be happy to assist you.
Looking for a service to help with payroll and recruitment? Contact Viriksha today!