Viriksha HR Solution

Employees Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring

Data Driven Monitoring System

Monitor employees both in real-time and for remote operations at your own space. Reward and uplift your workforce with quality and reliable data-insights. With us, Employee retention and performance is never a query.

10466 - Collaboration

Comprehensive and Holistic Factor Driven Methodology

10498 - Productivity

Adapt to the ever-changing needs and process involved in work

Why Viriksha HR Solution

Genral Staffing
(Permanent Staffing & Contract Staffing)

9748 - Achievements

Operate according to your requirement and need preference on our services 


Our team of expert will guide you reaching your goal at any point in the process

10492 - Global Management

All our process are well-defined and data based. Refined through huge volume of data

10503 - Analytics

Pay according to your requirement and needs in availing our service

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Performance Monitoring

- Viriksha HR Solution -
Why you need dedicated service?

Viriksha's Exclusive Service

Have unbiased and transparent analysis through numbers and get data backing for every activities

Our expertise lies in understanding and improvising on every metrics to contribute to the betterment of organisation

Processing and storage of huge volumes of data is effortless and secured with our advanced protocols

Process Orientation

Data Security

The five principles of process excellence are a fool-proof guide to achieving ideal productivities and efficiencies.

  • Diligence: We are committed to delivering high-quality work with rapid turnaround times. We manage the highest standards of quality and service so that you can always rely on us for your every project!

  • Dynamism: We are always evolving to meet the needs of our clients in an ever-changing environment.

  • Customer Centricity: We make every effort to center our existence with respect and consideration for the customer in all spheres.

  • Innovation: Innovating to create the best possible value for our clients by exploring innovative practices that will lead them forward.

  • Knowledge: To provide customers with the best possible service by fulfilling all of their needs and desires.

  • Enhancement: Viriksha has a natural tendency to look for ways of improving and learning. This ability helps them solve problems with more diagnostics approach
