Viriksha HR Solution

Non-discrimination and equality

Committal of Non-Discrimination & Equality in Workplace

Everyone is entitled to the right to equality irrespective of age, gender, or race.

Organizations are expected to follow certain guidelines and standards that ensure they conduct their business activities ethically. This includes looking after the well-being of employees as a part of their statutory compliance obligations under the law, which would include following all local regulations too! Law states people to treat everyone equally

Rights are a fundamental part of our Indian Constitution rule of law, which was created to ensure that each citizen has their own personal liberties and freedoms. These rights include civil, political, and economic rights.

Shops & other establishments

The ministry of corporate affairs in 2011 prescribed guidelines to provide equal opportunities and prevent discrimination at workplaces across the country. These regulations ensure that all employees are given fair treatment, regardless of whether they work in a shop or an establishment with higher standards like hotels & restaurants

When people are treated unequally is causing phycological harm to their mental health.

The primary focus is on ensuring compliance when it comes down to major issues such as wage payment which includes tips alongside regular pay checks.

This enables us to combat forced labour due to poverty-driven income disputes between employers/employees.

Unfortunately, people continue to face either direct or indirect indiscrimination. Every person is entitled to legal equality.

It’s not just in India where you can find prejudice and discrimination. The Business Standard’s study showed that 24 out of 99 top-rated BSE listed companies were still unwilling to take on employment practices without bias, despite a commitment from their CEO about non-discrimination being one way forward for future success within the industry

 The main finding is encouraging but it also highlights how much more work needs doing at both local (Indian) as well as global levels.

 The Government of India has introduced many important changes that will help protect the rights and interests of all its citizens. These include:

  • Right of persons with disabilities Act, 2016

  • HIV and AIDS act, 2017

  • Transgender Persons Act, 2019

Organizations need to include these acts when planning for future strategy and hiring processes as part of their compliance management 

Right of persons with disabilities Act, 2016

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 has made it illegal to discriminate against a person on the grounds that he or she is disabled. Employees are entitled not only to equality but also non-discrimination and protection from abuse in their workplace! As head(s) of an organization, you must ensure compliance by monitoring how employees interact within your company’s policies regarding human rights.

The Equal Opportunity Policy (EOP) is mandatory for organizations with disabilities and must be registered in order not only to protect the rights of these individuals but also to show commitment towards them.

A liaison officer should handle the recruitment process so that no one falls through the cracks when it comes down to making sure there aren’t any barriers within your company’s policies or practices against hiring people who are disabled!

The company’s equal opportunity policy must contain the following details:

♢ All areas of the premises should be accessible for people with disabilities.

♢ The positions at the company for people with disabilities.

♢ Train, promote, opportunities for promotion

♢ Accessible accommodations and assistive devices and technology.

HIV and AIDS act, 2017

The HIV and AIDS Act, 2017 was passed in 2018 to prevent the spread of these diseases. This law provides health care for those infected as well as an option on informed consent when it comes down to choosing treatment or research without your permission

If you are employed by one such company where there will not be any tests conducted on employees unless they volunteer themselves.

When it comes to getting a job, there’s no need for anyone with HIV who is already working in their field. The only exception would be if they offer information under informed consent and/or required by court order but not otherwise.

Transgender Persons Act, 2019

The Transgender Equality Act of 2017 will grant all transgender people the right to self-determine their identity. This bill also protects them from discrimination in education, employment, and other areas like housing or health care goods/services. The law covers safety as well so that transgendered person’s rights are protected too!


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