How To Effectively Deal With Employee Misconduct In The Workplace

The worst thing an employer can do is blindly trust their employees. Employee misconduct comes in many different forms, but it’s always best to be cautious and watchful of your staff members at all times because you never know when something will happen – such as poor behavior or worse yet-a crime!

Employers should be on the lookout for all forms of employee misconduct to keep their business running smoothly. Employee misbehavior can have several harmful implications, such as reduced morale and productivity or even increased turnover rates; it could also result in fines if you’re found guilty!

Employee misbehavior can have a serious impact on your business. If you want to keep employees happy and productive, we’ve got tips for dealing with employees’ bad behavior at work!

What Is Employee Misconduct?

Employee conduct that is violation of organizational policies and standards can be simply defined as an intentional disrespect for their company’s rules. An employee who misbehaves or makes poor choices puts all faith in them at risk because they’re not following guidelines, which means anything optimism the employer may have had about working with this person goes down the drain.

This kind of situation is something that no company wants to deal with. It can result in simple verbal and written disciplinary action, suspension, or even employment termination depending on the severity!

Types Of Employee Misconduct

When an employee’s conduct becomes inappropriate or abusive, it can be grounds for discipline. The two types of misconduct that supervisors must deal with are general and gross (more serious).

1. General Misconduct

General employee misconduct is any improper activity or minor misconduct without the intention to harm either individuals or the organization. You don’t need to fire an employee right away, but it does require documentation and compliance with disciplinary action required to fix the situation

The employee who is frequently late to work or has made an offensive comment towards another coworker should be disciplined. Their actions are unpleasant, yet not meant to harm the organization in any way; these infractions can easily get fixed with a warning from management and maybe even some monitoring time if it’s their first offense but sometimes more extreme measures need to be taken like suspension!

2. Gross

If an employee engages in gross misconduct, they will be summarily dismissed. This means immediate termination with no warning and final payment withheld if the organization experiences financial or property damage as a result of its actions (or lack thereof).

An Employee who abuses their power and breaks company guidelines will be caught. Whether it is by lying about how much time they spend working for other employers or posting inappropriate emails in group discussions, these employees are risking more than just bonus payments. They could face harsh consequences including termination from the organization!

Instances Of Employee Misconduct

The most common forms of employee misconduct include:

  • Usage of drugs/ alcohol on office premises
  • Involving violence
  • Harassing co-workers
  • Theft / fraud
  • Inflicting damage to company property
  • Providing false credentials
  • Breach of a confidentiality agreement

Disciplinary Action For Employee Misconduct

Gross misconduct is a serious offense that should result in immediate dismissal. However, minor violations can instead receive an official warning procedure to allow for further discipline if necessary

1. Verbal

Managers often use verbal warnings to address employee conduct that is improper or contrary to company policy. Bosses tell employees about problems before going on the record with an offending report, which allows them to fix any issues brought up in this conversation as well as give feedback for improvement plans if necessary

2. Official

Written warnings are more serious and should be kept on file for employees. If you issue verbal warnings, then it is important that they also sign a written copy of their own accord to avoid any future misunderstandings or escalations in behavior from either side–the employee’s signature will provide proof if needed!

3. Suspension

If you’re investigating an employee, suspend them from work until the investigation is over. You should clearly state what their expectations are during this time so that there aren’t any surprises down the road when it comes to returning to service or getting reinstated after finishing corrective actions if needed!

4. Probation

While on probation, employees are closely monitored and must admit why they’re in that probation period. Probation normally lasts 60 or 90 days; if the employee doesn’t show progress during this time, then an extension may be necessary

5. Firing

The best way for an employer to fire their employee is when they cannot correct the situation and are unable. The business may only be able to handle gross misconduct by dismissing this person from employment, so provide HR with copies of how you informed both parties about termination.

How To Handle Employee Misconduct

The implementation of strict work policies that would be effective immediately is a great way to ensure employees are held accountable for any unethical conduct.

Your disciplinary policy should describe how employees will be disciplined and what progressive measures might take place in response, as well as why an instant termination could occur without prior warning or cause.) Make sure they know this is signed off on by all parties involved through clear guidelines within employment agreements!

1. Ensure A Safe Working Environment

The best way to handle employee misconduct is by maintaining a safe and secure working environment for all parties involved. If an incident occurs, you must let your staff know how they can report it without fear of revenge or other consequences so there won’t be any hesitation when filing complaints later on down the line as well!

2. Document All Incidents

To have a defense against charges of employee misconduct, you need to document your investigation. Make sure that the dates and times are clear when documenting any encounters with an individual who has been reprimanded for improper behavior!

3. Every Allegation Must Be Investigated

Your company’s misconduct investigation strategy should be well thought out and follow all local laws. You must define what actions will take place, who is involved in the process (including managers), as well any other details such as where questioning or watching suspects may occur. These things are crucial to ensure nothing goes unnoticed!

4. Encourage Ethical Workplace Culture

If you see any employee engaging in inappropriate behavior, be sure to let their manager know so that they can take corrective action. It is important for the organization’s atmosphere of ethics and professionalism because it will help prevent future problems from occurring!

5. Responding To Employee Concerns

If you experience employee misconduct at your company, respond quickly to take action and begin resolving the matter in order to protect workplace safety. Take a thoughtful approach by taking proactive measures like notifying authorities so this does not happen again!


Incidents of employee misbehavior can make your workplace an unpleasant experience for everyone involved. But by implementing a well-designed procedure to deal with these incidents you will ensure that the business runs smoothly and safely, while also creating space inclusivity for all workers! Need to run your business smoothly while ensuring proper employee conduct with improved customer experience? Viriksha HR solutions offer support to organizations through their ESI consultants and professional tax consultants who can manage any challenge that arises in the organization through their expertise.

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