Viriksha HR Solution

The Top 5 Things You Need To Do For A Successful Offboarding Employee Process

The economy is in turmoil and employees are taking the consequences of this economic uncertainty by quitting or being laid off. Does this lead to an increased turnover rate which could result from a need for updating your company’s offboarding processes?

The recruiting and people operations teams work tirelessly to attract outstanding employees, and onboard them with strategic orientation programs that help managers manage performance. However many organizations often falter when it comes to offboarding practices.

Off-boarding is a necessary part of managing an employee’s lifecycle. The right practices can make sure that it’s beneficial for your organization, while also providing departing employees with optimal experience and care throughout the process.

1. Create A Blueprint Plan

The best way to plan for a departure is by creating an exit strategy. This document should include the answers you need in order to answer questions like “Why are they leaving? Who will be involved in this process?”.

It also helps if there’s someone who can take over some of their responsibilities and handle knowledge transfer, since people often don’t want others replacing them during difficult times or when looking for new jobs anyways! Make sure everything has been discussed with survey respondents before moving forward

Every business should have a plan, which is unique to them. This is a basic, must-have practice. Some additional resources that can help with the planning process include an off-boarding checklist and an analysis of workforce trends.

2. Understand The Factors On Why Employees Are Quitting

Although it isn’t always a good thing when someone leaves a job, it can be a good opportunity to learn and improve. There is no one way to do this, except to listen carefully.

Ask the employee why they are leaving and prepare to hear things that you may not want to hear and remember to listen attentively and not apologize or try to refute what they are saying.

When someone quits their job, it’s an opportunity to learn why they left and how you can improve things in the future. Let them know how much you appreciate their thoughts and feelings, and ask them questions about why they left. Your notes from just one exit interview could mean the difference between future success and failure in that role.

People leave their jobs for lots of reasons while sometimes they may leave to get a better job somewhere else and other times it’s because they don’t like the work, the people, or the management. It’s important to figure out why people left so your company can change and improve.

Making assumptions about why people left is usually not helpful. For example, some people say that millennials are more likely to leave their jobs than older generations.

It is very important to find out why employees are resigning and you can do this by surveying them online, talking to them in person, or both. If employees think their feedback will be taken seriously, they will be more likely to share their honest thoughts and just don’t be surprised if you find out that one of the reasons for leaving is because of a supervisor or manager.

According to a study, 52% of employees who left their jobs did so because their boss or company could have done something to prevent them from leaving. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that employees who stay in the same job for more than two years get paid 50% less than if they switched employers. While these statistics may be surprising to many business leaders, they provide information that can help illuminate what changes need to be made in order to prevent others from leaving.

Possible Solution:

In order to retain valuable employees, it is important that you act on any feedback they provide. This includes changes in professional development or promotions as well as pay rates and perks/benefits of employment – if their direct supervisor or manager can make adjustments then do so immediately which can be done with assistance from management staffing services. Otherwise, patterns may start emerging which lead us to lose even more talented individuals for similar reasons!

Give A Warm Farewell To Relieving Employees

When an employee leaves on good terms, make sure to give them a farewell celebration. This is a time to thank them for their work and contributions to the company. It’s important to treat employees with respect throughout the off-boarding process. Failing to do so can lead to bias, both positive and negative.

Former employees are a valuable resource for your company. You can make sure they have an enjoyable experience by giving them kind words and respect during their goodbye sendoff, as well as finding out what made the person leave in order to prevent something like this from happening again! Former team members also serve an important function: attracting talent or potential clients who might be interested in working at your business venture.

Ask For Referrals

If an employee leaves your company on good terms, they might know someone who would be a good fit for the position they are leaving while you can ask them if they would like to help you find a new employee. Viriksha Hr solution manpower consultants can help organizations in recruiting top talent for necessary roles.

A recent study showed that over 20% of hires come from referrals, even though only 7% of job applicants are referred. People who have had a positive experience at your company are more likely to refer qualified candidates and help bring them on board. Ask them to share your company values and help you find people you can trust.

Offer Assistance

After you have learned why they are leaving, help employees who are leaving your company. Assign someone to help them leave and give them resources for their career. Share the contact information of your company so they can stay in touch. If they are leaving on good terms, reassure them that they can come back to your company and that you will be there to help them in the future.

If the employee was laid off due to factors outside their control, you can help them by introducing them to people and getting the word out. If you have had to do layoffs, consider posting on LinkedIn so that your network knows about the great new candidate.

Some companies have alumni groups of former employees. They keep in touch with each other and offer support. This helps improve employee engagement and recruitment strategies.

The company facilitates communication through alumni websites, newsletters, and social media groups. This provides information about job openings and promotes the company’s initiatives.


It is important for all departments to understand why an employee is leaving. This gives the department a chance to learn from the employee’s experience and improve things like recruitment and training. Off-boarding efforts and processes can help your company increase efficiency in every other phase of the employee lifecycle.

Take some time to evaluate your current Off-boarding process and where you can improve. You may not see immediate benefits, but in the long run, your company will be better off for it.Organizations can depend on Viriksha HR Solutions to handle their employee off-boarding process with top-tier talent attraction services. We offer a comprehensive HR services in Chennai that helps our clients focus on their business goals while we take care of the heavy lifting. If you’re looking for a partner to help with your employee off-boarding needs, contact us today.

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