Why Reducing Employee Turnover Is Essential And How Employers Can Implement It

Hiring an employee is expensive. On top of the salary expenses, there are also benefits to be paid and costs associated with recruiting them in-house or externally as well when they leave your organization; replacing them can cost even more than what you initially invested!

The average cost of labour turnover rate is around $600 million per year, but it could be higher now in 2022. They estimate that for each person you lose due to leaving your company or getting fired-it will roughly cost about 33% (on top) of their annual salary just replace them!

Five Signs That Indicate Your Employee May Be Ready To Leave

Employers should be aware of certain behaviors and cues that indicate an employee is unsatisfied with their current position. Research has shown there are specific actions, words, or gestures that may point out the problem as well as solutions to fix it if they’re reasonable enough for both parties involved (the employer AND employee) through employee engagement.

Other times though this might simply not work out because one party wants more than what’s offered while another only need something minimal, so sometimes transitions happen on behalf of either person themselves instead!

1. Becoming Less Involved

Team players are the glue that holds a team together. They’re always willing to share important information or lend an ear when someone needs help with something, and they can adapt their style quickly over a period of time in order to solve problems on-the-fly!

An unwillingness to contribute or share with others can be a major red flag. If you have an employee who doesn’t seem like they’re willing, then it may just mean that this person is looking for another job soon and wants nothing more than peace in their future career path.

2. Being Less Productive

The state of an employee’s productivity is often reflected in how engaged they are. The less engaged your staff, the lower their output will typically be and if this trend continues without any signs that it might pick up again then you can expect them to quit soon! Any human resource management should immediately notice this indication among employees soon.

3. Reduced Communication With The Manager

Employees are always looking for ways to show their appreciation, and a good manager will take notice giving your staff the opportunity of showing how much they care about them by allowing personal relationships outside work time can be an effective way in strengthening these types of ties between employee and employer while also improving professional ones too!

If you notice that one of your employees seems apathetic or not putting in as much effort to make connections with others, then it’s possible he/she might be planning on leaving.

4. Procrastination Employees

If you have been noticing that your employees seem loafing around, or not putting in enough effort for the job even though they say it’s fine then there could be another reason behind their apparent loss of interest attitude. This might not just translate to laziness but also an indication of how much longer these people can last before quitting due to themselves being worn down by stress from working constantly without a break.

5. Doesn’t Commit To Long Term Deadlines

Generally employees show they plan on sticking around for the duration. If one of them is hesitant about taking such an intense job that will require him or her to stay at work longer hours every week, then there might be some serious consideration being given before making this decision as well!

Pre-Quitting Behaviors: What They Are and What to Do About Them

If you notice any of these signs in your employees, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready to quit. Start a friendly dialogue rather than assuming the worst and taking action before talking through problems with them or providing feedback on what needs improvement within their work environment.

This is how things can be improved for future reference purposes so that annual turnover rate does not occur due to stress from unnecessary issues being made publicly known between both parties involved

Employee retention: 7 reasons your best employees leave

1. Overworked Employees

When employees are too stressed, they can become irritable and easily distracted. This affects their ability to complete tasks efficiently which then leadsto burnout symptoms like increased workloads or less time for family life as well mentaldisorders such depression among other things. According to a recent survey 3 out, of 5 workers say they’re burned-out in their current position which is why more than half jump ship for companies that understand the importance of work-life balance each year! This is one of the core factor of high turnover rates in most startup organizations, while the total number of employees who left could be higher.


To help your employees be more productive, take a proactive approach. Make sure work is distributed evenly across the organization and if you’re not sure whether they are overworked ask them directly using anonymous pulse surveys to figure out how many hours of daily limitless input their team needs per week in order for everyone’s tasks to get completed on time with no stressful encounters along the way!

2. Less Satisfaction With Salary

If you want to keep your employees, it is important that they are happy. They will not be satisfied with miserly salaries or hesitant raises from their employer if there aren’t any other options out on the market – nearly 50 percentage of employees would consider leaving in search of 10%. Additionally, many people look at benefits as an indication of how cared-for we feel by our employers.AAccording to reports, 1/4th average number of employees may move onto greener pastures when given better salary coverage!

3. Issues With Managers

There are a lot of factors that determine how well an employee feels about their boss, but one major determining factor is the poor manager’s transparency and trustworthiness. If more than 50% percent don’t have high levels or both in this area then it will affect retention rates as well because without respect from those below you can never expect them to work hard for your company as they should!


Hiring the right managers is crucial to your company’s success which can be done through Viriksha manpower consultants. Make sure that they have all of their professional development needs met, and support any training initiatives for new skills or techniques as needed! Keep an eye on how these individuals are doing at managing people under them so you can be confident in making decisions about who will lead future projects forward.

4. Work Culture

Workplaces with bad cultures can make employees unhappy, unproductive, and even less likely to want to stay at their company. Companies should take care when it comes to creating a workspace that suits everyone for the workplace experience to be as enjoyable as possible.

A great place to work means happy workers who come into productivity because they love what’s going on around them!


One of the best ways to improve your company culture is by getting feedback from employees. Pulse surveys can be used as a starting point for this process, and they take only minutes out of each employee’s day!

5. Differential Treatment

Favoritism can lead to discrimination, and you should never treat one employee differently than another. Bosses who give unfair advantages to their favorite employees are putting themselves at odds with the rest of staff, as there is no incentive for them when someone gets special treatment if others don’t receive similar privileges in return. Bosses must beware unconscious biases can interfere here too!

These sorts of inequities often go beyond just playing favorites, they’re especially harmful because our personal preferences may unconsciously influence how we perceive or interact with someone who doesn’t fit into socially perceived categories like gender identity (or race).


Treating all of your employees equally is a top priority. You can’t take care of favorites and let others face negative emotions due to the treatment they receive from you or other staff members in charge! Check out any current policies that may be benefiting certain workers before making changes, as doing so could lead them away from feeling satisfied at work which would ultimately affect how much productivity there truly was among those individuals on hand for duty hours each day.

6. Less Recognition

When employees don’t feel like they are appreciated, it affects their work performance and can lead to a less diverse workforce. Our research from bureau of labor statistics found that women in most industries reported receiving lower levels of recognition than men when doing great job-a dynamic which has serious implications for both retention rates as well as future business growth if left unchecked.


Recognition programs are often under-appreciated, but there is no better way to show your team how much they mean than by taking the time out of automation. Give credit where it’s due and celebrate their hard work with sincere thanks from everyone in our department!

7. Fewer Career Growth Options

The market is currently glutted with workers who want to advance their careers. As an employer, you need only provide development opportunities for your staff or risk losing them as soon as they find more fulfilling work elsewhere!


Invest in your employees and help them achieve their professional goals by investing time, energy, and resources into training. Offer opportunities for growth so that they will want to stay with you as long as possible!


Viriksha HR Solutions is one of the top management staffing services in Chennai who can help organizations reduce their employee retention. We understand the reasons why employees leave and we have a wealth of experience in helping employers prevent it. Our placement consultant in Chennai is ready and waiting to partner with you to create a plan that reduces turnover and increases productivity. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization retain its best employees.

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