Uncovering Talent In India: How Foreign Companies Can Succeed Through Consulting Firms
Did you know that the world’s second most populous country is packed full of untapped talent? India is a land of opportunity for foreign companies looking to expand their business.
With a population of over 1.3 billion people, there are plenty of brilliant minds to be tapped into. But how can foreign businesses succeed in India when competition is so stiff? Read on to find out!
1. Large talent pool
The “too many engineers” problem in India translates to a very healthy talent pipeline for companies outside of the country. This year alone, 5860 Engineering institutes absorbed 2369831 aspiring engineers which is sure going help with increasing production at your company!
The search for java professionals on LinkedIn yields a whopping 23 million results, with 40% coming from India. Looking at sales-related jobs nets 4560 thousand recruiters and 60%, respectively while Marketing Professionals find 5370 members worth 57%.

The fact that less than 6.5% of the Indian population is on LinkedIn means there are an astounding number of potential hires just waiting for you to find them! Viriksha HR Solution offer comprehensive HR services in Chennai that aids job seekers in finding their desired organization.
International Companies Profit from Indian Talent
a. Expected salary:
The penetration of English in India is a major draw for employers who wish to reach their remote workforce. Good salaries are also on offer, with some candidates expecting less than 10% compared to international counterparts.
The average salary they expect can be much higher if you’re looking at an Indian workplace where there’s plenty going around and more working age population means hire quantities will always increase over time.
b. Problem solvers
Indians are problem solvers that love doing it. They’re also hungry to acquire new skills and produce way too many engineers which makes them lucrative for foreign companies like Facebook or Google who recruit from India.
c. Dedicated employees
Indians are known for their work ethic and discipline. This makes them perfect candidates to take on tasks that require both intelligence, as well as dedication from start until finish!
A Closer Look Into How Companies Attract Remote Talent From India

a. Talent sourcing
The best way to find your next great hire is through an agency. You can trust them, they have years of experience in finding top talent for your organization! Viriksha HR Solution is a HR consultancy firm that can assist organization in recruiting top talent through their manpower consultant.
b. Effective screening of candidates
To ensure that you are getting the best candidate for your company, it’s important to conduct all interview rounds as video interviews. This ensures there is no fake or expired information on their social media accounts and makes sure they’re exclusively employed with your organization by checking out LinkedIn profiles too!
c. Employee administration
Companies may hire employees directly, but they also have the option of hiring them through a staffing agency that works specifically with Indian companies.
Necessary Steps to Remember When Recruiting from India!
The hiring manager should make sure to set up a minimum of two interview rounds with the candidate before making an offer. The first functional, or question-and-answer session will cover basic skills in verbal communication and problem-solving; while HR discusses more personnel-related topics like workplace behavior guidelines and departmental policies that may apply specifically to this position.
- How would the candidate handle a time difference (if any and if required)?
- HR should confirm that the candidate has access to a computer and an internet connection.
- Steady internet connection
- If the company is not providing a laptop when you join, you will need to purchase a laptop that meets the company’s requirements.
- There are other things that you will need in your home office and these include comfortable seating, like a desk chair, and something mobile, like a laptop.
a. Salary transfer: You need to talk to your HR department about how your salary will be transferred, and whether or not there will be any deductions. It is the individual’s responsibility to pay taxes on their income, so make sure this information is included in your offer letter.
b. Career growth: The Indian market is doing well, especially in the IT industry. If HR can show company growth and potential project growth for employees, it might have a very positive impact on candidates’ performance.
c. Leave policy: You should discuss your company’s leave calendar and policy at the beginning.
d. Open communication: The HR interview is a great place for HR to get to know the candidate. If the candidate has worked with an Indian company in the past, HR should let the candidate know that there may be some cultural differences between this company and their old one.
HR can ask the candidate if they are comfortable communicating if they face any challenges in this new environment. It might be a good idea to give feedback to the candidate after 1, 3, 15, 30, and 90 days on how they are adjusting.
Examining Why Indians Prefer Working for Multinationals
- Candidates who are from India typically expect a 20-30% increase in their salary when they switch to a job in the Indian market. However, if they switch to a company that has an office outside of India, they may expect a 30-50% increase in their salary.
- After Covid, more employers are starting to call their employees back to the office. However, some of them prefer that their employees work from home and can easily switch to an international organization.
- Some Indian companies expect their employees to work for very long hours, but their foreign counterparts offer a better work-life balance.
- Working with international employers can help candidates to get better exposure and open up opportunities for other jobs.

Viriksha HR Solutions is leading HR consultancy in Chennai that has the ability to help foreign companies in recruiting top talent for their organization. Our placement consultant in Chennai are familiar with international standards and laws, which helps them place candidates in the right position. With a vast network of contacts, they are able to find the best candidates that meet the needs of the organization. Viriksha HR Solutions also offers a money-back guarantee if the candidate’s placement is not successful. Contact Viriksha HR Solutions today to get started on finding top talent for your organization!
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